
Basic community level sanitation training is essential to ensure basic diseases are prevented. Traditionally sanitation is the control of human waste in the environment, but we acknowledge this is much more than simply "using a toilet". With our EI church partners we are able to obtain an insight in to the cultural beliefs around sanitation and devise effective interventions.

We teach tried and tested methods such as building Tippy Taps to educate households on the importance of washing hands.

Latrine designs vary across the country but the majority of the locations we work in households sill use simple unimproved pit latrines. We have a slab programme which aims at educating households on the importance of using a latrine with a slab with a cover. This project comes with the added benefit of being income generating for those constructing the slabs.


Household discussions on the topic of Sanitation
Pastors Demonstrating a Tippy Tap
Example of a Local latrine dug reaching the water table
Community sanitation training in churches
Training the community on the use of Tippy Taps
Kids using a tippy tap
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Household discussions on the topic of Sanitation
Pastors Demonstrating a Tippy Tap
Example of a Local latrine dug reaching the water table
Community sanitation training in churches
Training the community on the use of Tippy Taps
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